Influencer Marketing Blog | Julius

Matters of Influence: Week of 10/25/20

Written by Julius | Oct 28, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Influencer marketing news moves at the speed of social media. Every platform update, algorithm tweak, and current event makes a huge difference to the influencer marketer. We’ll help you keep up.

Featured headlines

Pinterest Announces New Initiatives to Support Underrepresented Creators (Social Media Today)

A creative space is first and foremost a safe space, and Pinterest is doing everything they can to ensure that their platform is as welcoming and inspiring as it can be. As a part of their ongoing effort to improve inclusion and promote diversity, Pinterest has promised to make sure that at least half of the managed creators that they work with will be from underrepresented minority groups. If you’d like to make your content more visible and eligible to be featured, add a Community Information Tab to your business page. Head to your Pinterest profile and click on settings to get started and get your creative voice heard.

How Influencers Helped Save Lives During COVID-19 (PR Daily)

Earlier this Spring, just after the initial onset of the pandemic, the Texas Department of State Health Services launched an influencer campaign to raise awareness and educate others about the Coronavirus. With the hashtag #HealthyTexas, the campaign spread throughout Instagram and TikTok, reaching a total of 33 million users between the two platforms. Messages ranged from heartfelt personal stories to quarantine dance routines, each crafted with physical and mental health in mind. The Texas Department of State Health Services set a new precedent, and demonstrated that government initiatives have as much to gain from influencer partnerships as any brand.


How Influencers Are Using Their Platforms To Educate And Inform (The Zoe Report)

Influencers are continuing to speak up about social justice, and show no signs of stopping any time soon. As more and more people expect to see their favorite creators address the issues that matter to them, influencers are getting more comfortable making their voices heard. Creators who use their platform to discuss topics like race and gender frequently normalize them, and encourage others to start the conversation.

[INFOGRAPHIC] A Visual Guide to Influencer Marketing Strategies (Social Media Today)

Are you a planning person, or are you the one in every three marketers who “loathe managing the logistics” of influencer campaigns? Either way, this infographic has something to teach you. For example, did you know that all influencer marketing campaigns can be broken down into three distinct categories? This guide turns each one into a cheat sheet with the ideal platforms, strategy, and storytelling that can lead any marketer through the process from start to finish. Read more to learn how to plan your next influencer marketing campaign ahead with clear goals (and the strategy to achieve them) in mind.

Featured blog

Influencer marketing can benefit more organizations than just for-profit brands. The #StopTheSpread campaign to raise awareness and flatten the curve for COVID-19 worked with over 150 influencers, who, together, earned a combined total of over two million impressions with a 5.6% engagement rate. This was an ideal opportunity for influencers to support a cause for the greater good, which generated enthusiastic, genuine engagement. Read more to learn about how influencers were key to the success of this project, and how you can use their strategies to maximize the impact of your next campaign.

Julius product spotlight

Are you targeting a specific topic on social media and want to tap into influencers to help spark or bolster the conversation? Yeah - we know you are. But, before you start looking for influencers, we suggest looking to see what sponsored content already exists surrounding the conversation using the ‘Is:Sponsored’ feature in content search to help surface paid influencer posts. To learn more about how we can help you identify influencer conversations using Content Search, see this Help Center article.