Matters of Influence: Week of 2/21/21

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Influencer marketing news moves at the speed of social media. Every platform update, algorithm tweak, and current event makes a huge difference to the influencer marketer. We’ll help you keep up.

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Tracking campaign notes and documents by hand is an easy way to lose time, but more importantly, insights and innovation. Storing ideas, best practices, and assets all in one place is a great way to stay organized and save time, but also improve your marketing campaigns in the future. You can drop anything from notes to documents directly into your Julius Campaigns, so that both you and your teammates can efficiently communicate and collaborate. To learn more about how Julius can help you go paperless and ditch the sticky notes, see this Help Center article.

Creator snapshot

Some say baking is an art and a science, but Lauren Ko (@lokokitchen, 415K IG followers) takes it to the next level with her stunning geometric pies. Originally from San Diego, Lauren now resides in Seattle and is a self-trained home pastry chef who pioneered “modern lattice” pie artwork, which she shares the secrets of in her cookbook Pieometry. She has collaborated with Buzzfeed Tasty, been featured in Vogue and O Magazine, and made guest appearances on Martha Bakes and CBS’ Sunday Morning. Learn more about Lauren Ko here

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A Celebration of Creative Excellence for Black History Month (AdAge)

As Black History Month draws to a close, now is the time to recognize that the best way to honor the past is by charting a path for the future. Looking back on the successes of yesterday can help us recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and discover new ways to embrace diversity in all aspects of the marketing industry. This list tracks articles from Black industry leaders and creative minds across the past month, sharing their stories and amplifying their voices. Black History Month isn’t just about passing the mic today—it’s about remembering why it’s important to share your platform every day. 

February 24, 2021
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