Influencer marketing news moves at the speed of social media. Every platform update, algorithm tweak, and current event makes a huge difference to the influencer marketer. We’ll help you keep up.
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A Good Influence: How Influencers are Pivoting to Social Good Campaigns (Forbes)
One of the easiest and most effective ways that an influencer can make a difference is by using their platform to spread positive messages and awareness about social good. According to the numbers, that’s exactly what they’re doing: 58% of influencers have “posted educational, supportive content and resources” during the pandemic. Read more to find out what other ways influencers are using their reach to make positive change.
[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Ways to Get Your Employees to Advocate for Your Brand on LinkedIn (Social Media Today)
Looking for a micro influencer to promote your business on social media? Look no further than the people who regularly engage with and represent your brand already--your employees! They might already be doing more promotion on their own than you would think. Learn how to tap into this valuable resource by getting involved in your business’ LinkedIn presence, and encouraging your employees to do the same.
Why Instagram's Reels Doesn't Need to Steal TikTok's Creators to be Successful (Business Insider)
With new updates rolling out, platforms from YouTube to Facebook are starting to look more and more like TikTok. The infamous app’s closest competitor, Instagram’s Reels, wins the TikToklookalike contest for now–and, if it’s executed well, could be enough to set them up for success for the long run. Efforts to entice TikTok influencers to jump ship could prove to be unnecessary, if they can instead shift their intention to creating a supportive, beneficial environment to welcome the rising influencers of tomorrow.
TikTok Chief Executive Kevin Mayer Resigns Amid Rising Pressure From Trump Administration (Talking Influence)
As far as jumping ship from TikTok goes, former Chief Executive Kevin Mayer took the plunge and resigned last week, citing the tumultuous political environment as the catalyst for his departure. The storm rises as China imposes new rules which could halt a sell-off, and users report suffering from an inability to escape triggering content in the app. Despite the rising flames, the brand insists “This is fine,” launching a TikTok branded clothing line bearing the confident slogan, “NOT GOING ANYWHERE!”